
This website was created in an attempt to let other Barnes and Noble NOOK users know that there really are plenty of deal priced books for NOOK readers.

Here at the Cheap we, a group of deal scouting women, inform you of free and low-cost books. These change frequently so please be sure to check in often. We do our best to share only legitimate offers. These offers are available, to the best of our knowledge, at the time of publication. We are not responsible for any damages that may be incurred by users of the Cheap. It should be known that We are not financial book buying experts, and any financial opinions about sale or products is the sole opinion of the team at the Cheap and should be checked upon other sources. We give no guarantee on the information shared. 

We, contributors to the Cheap.net,  are in no way associates or representatives of NOOK or Barnes and Noble. This site operates as its own entity and is not written or managed by NOOK or Barnes and Noble.

We also want to take time and assure you that all credit on books goes to those that wrote and published said books. Authors get all credit here and although your book is deal priced we are ever so grateful you took the time. A great way to get your name out as an author is to deal price your book… we try MANY new authors that way. If you prefer for us not to mention or promote your books on the Cheap please contact us HERE and we will remove any and all titles immediately.

Another big shout out goes to the publishers! We are thankful for you and all the work you do to find these authors, publish for them, and bring them to us, the consumer. If you prefer for us not to mention or promote your books on the Cheap, please Contact us and we will remove any and all titles immediately. 

We have made the decision to be an affiliate for Barnes and Noble. What this means is that the links for books in the posts will contain an ID that lets Barnes and Noble track who referred you to the site. B&N may then share the revenue, depending on what you buy and when.  NO personal or identifying info about you is shared with anyone, including the Cheap. There is no percentage of money for a free book. It does mean that if you do buy a book from one of the links provided we will get a very small percentage (pennies) from each sale. This money will be used for future giveaways and is very small compensation for the hard work that goes on behind the scenes.

Outside of the affiliate programs; we are not paid by authors, publishers, or anyone else to promote and advertise for them. If we receive compensation for any promotion it will be listed as legally required.

In the event you would like to contact us regarding book or product reviews or giveaways please Contact us and we will get back to you promptly. 

Thank you for your time and we hope you enjoy the Cheap.

Privacy Policy:

We do not share personal information with third-parties nor do we store information we collect about your visit to this blog for use other than to analyze content performance through the use of cookies, which you can turn off at anytime by modifying your Internet browser’s settings. We are not responsible for the republishing of the content found on this blog on other Web sites or media without our permission. This privacy policy is subject to change without notice.

  1. Authors are asked to post on our Facebook page, Authors on the Cheap, following the guidelines we’ve posted in that page’s notes.

  2. Authors may post their work on our Facebook page, Authors on the Cheap, following the guidelines we’ve set in the notes section of that page.

  3. I have a $1.99 eBook with valuable health/cancer information for women, especially breast, uterus and ovarian cancer. How do I get listed on your site?

  4. I have just self-published my first novel, through iuniverse. How do I get it posted on your site? It’s a thriller and ideal for female and male readers, over eighteen.

  5. I need to start paying attention! I didn’t even realize there was a blog! I’ve only been on the facebook page!! Really excited!

  6. I have six of my books listed on smashwords and B&N. How do I get them listed here?

  7. Love the new look, and glad to know that you can receive some compensation (however small) for all your hard work. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve referred to the old blog, and how much I’ve benefited from all the deals posted. Here’s hoping they all follow you to this great new site!

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